Sunday, April 19, 2009

Letter to the editor (and the people)

To the editor (and the people),
It is time. It is time to care less about what people think of us, and more about what we think of people. It is time to care less about things of state, and more about the state of things. It is time for short-term thinking to take a back seat to visionary, long-term thinking. The precedent has been set; the new president of the United States is a cut above. His presence arriving on the center stage of humanity at this “do or die” point in history, for me, is a sign that overall, humanity’s consciousness is ripe for graduation from lessons past. Thus, no longer from behind the scenes will corporate lobbyists and greedy egomaniacs eagerly govern things of state; deeply contributing to the state of things we’re indentured in now. We will not allow it as a people! A grass-roots movement of folks who summon charge over their bodies, minds and spirits will no longer linger in the foliage… For we have a leader!
Take note. Take stalk. Take heed. Fight the good fight. For we have backing. We have a precedent–a mainstream precedent! We have visionary leadership! And just in time, as there has never been a more concerning pivotal point in our world’s history. There’s war, poverty, hunger, disease, extinctions, the environment, crumbling infrastructures and family structures, and shortages of everything except people and toxins! We must stop saying “SAVE THE ENVIRONMENT!” as it is us we must save! The planet will repair itself once resources, no longer pure or plenty, leave humans to face the same fate.
(Please listen for the heart in what I’m sharing here.) Life is “brutiful!”–brutal and yet oh so beautiful. Life is the most challenging stage conceivable on which to create the life we want, or the life we do not want. Let’s create it the way we want it. But to do this, things must change. We must change! (As is our minds, so goes our world!) But to do this, we must first humble ourselves enough to admit that things of state are not perfect; that they have led us into the state of things now; that they are leading us toward the worst of it yet to come.
Isn’t it true that just 1 out of 100 folks became stricken with cancer 100 years ago? And in stark contrast, isn’t cancer among North Americans manifesting within 1 in 2 today? And In our relatively short-lived capitalistic age, have we not seen a depression, while perhaps a second looms? Isn’t it also true what they say that the gap between the haves and have-nots continues to widen under the current paradigm? And in a bitter irony, are we not witnessing nothing short of the rape and pillage of the very entity which directly sustains us–Earth? It is not hard to see! Population continues to grow exponentially while resources and species constituting life’s unfathomable symbiosis continue to decline just as rapidly. In such a short time have we done this!
The system then, clearly, evidently, empirically is not perfect. And so, let us call it like we see it: “Live within your means!” “Live in accord with life!” “Make the short-term sacrifice in the name of there being anything good in the long-term!” To all who hope, do not despair. We can do this! We can kick-start the economy and save our planet/ourselves with the same brush. We can paint the whole scene green! Like Thomas Friedman (whose new book Hot, Flat and Crowded is a must read) we can name the undertaking Code Green. Should we rise to it, the challenge shall be invigorating!
Before becoming discouraged remember: humans are not innately evil. Humanity is simply hard-wired to seek pleasurable experiences. All we need to do is stop feeding ourselves lesser pleasures, and begin nourishing ourselves with the highest pleasures–we are happier when we care, when we help, when we share, when we create, when we ascend to the occasion, and when we love. Clearly, evidently, empirically, the pursuit of lesser pleasures is killing us, while pursuing the highest pleasures will save and satisfy us!

Sincerely, Jeremyah

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